As strange as these times are, it is even stranger to put out a magazine as if life were normal. That said, we have heard from multiple subscribers that a new issue of Knife Magazine arriving in their mailboxes was a wonderful distraction, and did in fact allow people some escape to “normalcy”. We are glad we can help.
Most states are getting back to work, but even if yours has not yet, you have one more thing to look forward to – the June issue of Knife Magazine.
I really loved the Fred James cover article, a topic with which I was completely unfamiliar. Frank Trzaska’s article on the 1887 Hospital Corps bolo was a great read as well, and really filled in the history of a knife with which I was somewhat familiar.
As always there are our monthly columns as well, though the events calendar is a bit depressing.
The June issue will be arriving in subscribers’ mailboxes in the coming week or so, but Online Premium Members can see the whole thing now by visiting The Vault—> Magazine Archives.
Not an Online Premium Member? What are you waiting for? It is just $19.95/yr or $9.95/yr for existing print subscribers.