Knife Magazine Novemeber 2020

Knife Magazine November 2020 Sneak Peek

2020 has been a heck of a year to put it mildly. It feels like January’s SHOT Show was a lifetime ago. So it is hard to believe that our November issue is back from the printer and on its way to subscriber mailboxes.

Our cover article is on Charles Turnage, purveyor of exotic handle materials. Stephen Garger’s article tells the story of Turnage’s remarkable career(s), and how he essentially “invented” crosscut mammoth ivory and brain coral.

Beyond that, the issue is the expected mixture of modern and vintage, from my review of the Jens Ansø designed Zero Tolerance 0235 and Del Corsi’s Star Fighter collaboration with Jose deBraga to Neal Punchard’s article on Sterling Silver Pocket Knives and W. Cliff Haller’s piece on WWII Australian Knuckle Dusters.

And as always we have our regular columns from the ABS, Knife Rights, AKTI, Bruce Voyles, and Bernard Levine.

Subscribers can expect the November issue to arrive in the next week to 10 days. Can’t wait? Premium Online Members can read the issue online today. It is just $9.95 for existing print subscribers, or $19.99 as a standalone subscription.

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