2024 has already been a banner year for Great Eastern Cutlery. They have produced the quintessential #15 TC Barlow, the new #78 Bullet End Barlow, the well loved #39 Colt Cutter / Horse Rancher, and the classic #47 Viper (among others) so far. Now they have a new pattern in production and it looks like another on the way with some old favorites coming back around also. Read on to learn what’s (possibly… probably?) on the way!…
…To be clear, these are merely speculations. There is no confirmation from Great Eastern Cutlery of any of these patterns except for the #32. That said, my reason for expecting the other 3 patterns all amount to basically the same evidence. There have been SFOs confirmed to be upcoming for all three patterns. A Waynorth on the #81, the BladeForums 2024 knife on the #91, and the All About Pocket Knives 2024 knife on the #93. Does this mean that there are definitely regular full runs of these patterns coming also? No, but historically GEC does not typically do SFOs on a pattern without also doing a normal run under their own brands. No matter what actually comes to fruition, it’s an exciting time to be a fan of Great Eastern Cutlery knives!
I have stayed away from GEC, with the exception of the Remington Baby Bullet they did a couple of years ago. It is such a specific collective market, driven by the secondary sellers. The quality is amazing though.
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