The Knife Edge: Pro-Tech Steam Punk

Every once and awhile, you come across hidden treasures.  Sometimes neither the buyer nor seller realizes how much that gem is worth.

When you’re the seller you may never find out. Smart buyers will not tell the seller he has made a foolish move. They will not rub it in or humiliate the seller. It’s enough to get a silent win.

Then too, you don’t know what they paid for the treasure; they could be laughing all the way to the bank.

I really like the Godson. For me, the size is Goldilocks, that is, just right. The knife is easy to Google, try:–Protech-Godson-Steampunk-Automatic–67879

But all the websites I visited say they are out of stock.   They also say the knife they had was some number of 200. Mine says 72 of 100. What’s going on?

I called Pro-Tech and asked. Here’s what they told me. Pro-Tech makes a special run of 100 knives called prototypes, sold only at shows. The regular limited edition has 200 members, making a total of 300 Steam Punk Godsons in existence.

Frank Karl is one of our KNIFE Magazine Staff Correspondents. The Knife Edge is his personal blog.

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