The Knife Edge: The Variable Wharncliffe

It’s an awful name, not at all descript. It’s a fixed blade knife and you have no options on blade or handle length.  Be that as it may, it is a cool knife.  Let’s look into it.

The knife was designed by Dirk Pinkerton, one of the up-and-coming knife designers who works with several companies.

Dirk always had an interested in knives. Following examples set by his father and brother, Dirk came to realize a knife was essential tool. One can appreciate the work and craftsmanship that goes into a beautiful knife, but it is a tool first and should be used. As his collection and interest grew, Dirk became friends with legendary knife maker and designer, the late Darrel Ralph. If you don’t recognize the name, it sucks to be you. Darrel started making knives in 1987 and his influence over the custom knife market pushed other designers to excel. He had a significant impact on the tactical knife world. He passed following a stroke in 2021.

I like the wharncliffe blade, but the knobby handle is not ideal for neck-carry.

Read the whole thing at The Knife Edge.