Over the past weekend, we ran a contest asking you for uncomfortable and unpopular truths in the knife world, to insert into the popular “Scroll of Truth” meme. Several folks rose to the occasion, and I randomly drew Mark R.’s above meme as the winner. He will be receiving a Condor Kephart knife in the coming days. His winning truth is probably as old an adage as exists when it comes to knives.
Here are some of my other favorites…
These two tongue-in-cheek examples were from Forged in Fire Winner Josh Navarette:
These two are fairly closely related and kept with the steel theme of my original post.
And finally my favorite of all from my buddy Cmeat. I laughed out load. Google Lynn Thompson, San Mai, and Lawsuit if you don’t get the reference.
Thank you to all our participants, and thank you to Condor Tool and Knife for providing the giveaway knife.