Howdy folks. Not really sure what my muse is tonight. I don’t have a theme. Mostly, it is nice to have the website functioning at an acceptable level. I have no idea when we will roll out the new one. They are still working out a bunch of back-end issues. Website architecture is really not my cup of tea.
So my memes are really just a collection of ones that made me laugh this week. This is the only one that is remotely current event related.
There is a big drop off in germaphobia and the like with kid #2. I don’t even know if I would remember the names of 7 kids.
There aren’t any knife shows of note this weekend. What are peoples’ thoughts on Blade West moving to Southern California?
This one could have worked in previous Open Threads – any number of pandemic themed ones, or the Whisky Thread from a month ago.
I think I owe someone a Work Sharp tumbler from the last Open Thread before the website plotzed. I just went back and looked. Yup. Drawing now…Hey Cmeat… You are the winner. You might actually use this. It is a Kleen Kanteen vacuum tumbler, which will definitely keep a beverage hot while you are driving through the Windy City weather.
I don’t have anything good for this week, I am sorry, I am just too far behind on getting new release stuff out on the website. Soon we will have a glut of stuff I promise.
This one is stupid, but I actually laughed out loud.
This one didn’t quite reach that level, but it is brilliant.
This is a brilliant revelation as well…
This one goes out to Hocky…
And finally, you might be Metal, but you will never be a buck wearing the skull of its vanquished rival Metal…
Have a good one folks…