AllOutdoor Review – Benchmade Proper

In a world dominated by lightning-fast automatics, sleek assisted open knives, and flashy flippers, Benchmade surprised everyone with a modern gentleman’s knife when the Benchmade Proper came on the scene a little over 5 years ago.  The Benchmade Proper doesn’t aim to be a one-handed, quick-deploying, or tactical blade like some of their other offerings. Yet, it’s precisely this departure from the norm as a saturated market of the same knife quickly becomes boring. The Benchmade Proper encourages us to rethink our everyday carry choices and reconnect with the simpler, more traditional knives that many of us began our journey with. And that’s a significant part of its appeal in my opinion.

I dig this one. It is funny that traditional companies like Case are working hard to expand their modern folding lineup, while modern folder companies like Benchmade are adding traditionals.

Read the whole thing:

AllOutdoor Review – Benchmade Proper “Old School Cool”