If you’re in the market for a self-defense type of folder, I’ve been testing out the 5.11 Marcaida Talon Folder, which you ought to check out. It has some unique features that make it a desirable self-defense knife to carry. Its thin profile helps make it comfortable to carry.
Due to the short 2 1/16-inch blade, opened the 5.11 Marcaida Talon Folder is only 6 3/8 inches long when opened. Closed, it is 4 3/8 inches long. Not counting the pocket clip, it is only 3/8 inches thick, so due to its low profile, you will forget that you are even carrying it. So much so that a while ago, I went into a little rougher-looking place to eat dinner. After sitting down by myself and looking around, I thought, dang, I should have stuck my pistol in my belt. Then I remembered I had the 5.11 Marcaida Talon Folder on me and figured I was good to go.
In the hands of a master like Doug Marcaida, the karambit is a phenomenally effective weapon. That said, few invest the requisite time in achieving said proficiency.
Read the whole thing at Ammoland.com