I recently received the CIVIVI Timberbark knife to test, which is a knife in their hunting line. So let’s go through its attributes.
First, it came from the factory and was razor sharp. The blade has a drop point design so it is designed for skinning big game animals. You’ll need a clip-point knife to cut the pattern to start the skinning process since the CIVIVI Timberbark doesn’t have a point. But due to its drop point design, it will be good for skinning your animals, especially if you’re saving the hide as in saving a bear rug or the cape when mounting the head of your trophy buck or big bull elk.
I am on the record as taking a firmer line against Chinese fixed blades. I do not have nearly the issue with imported premium folders, as they fill a role in the marketplace that is not met by domestic manufacture for a competitive price. Chinese fixed blades, especially from companies with the production quality of WE, do not offer the same value proposition over domestic and allied sources.
Read the whole thing at Ammoland.com