From KnifeThoughts: GEC Annual Rendezvous this weekend

I did not know that this was this weekend, as Blade Show sucks up most of the oxygen.  GEC used to attend Blade Show, but has apparently decided to strike out on their own.

This article comes from KnifeThoughts. As Logan states he will be there, I consequentially am bummed that I won’t be seeing him in Atlanta.


GEC Rendezvous FAQ: Everything You Need to Know

So you’re falling down the slippery slope of traditional pocket knives, and you’ve been intrigued by the “GEC Rendezvous“. The Rendezvous is Great Eastern Cutlery‘s yearly gathering to celebrate classic knives and the people who can’t get enough of them. This article will answer your burning questions about the Rendezvous!

Why go to the Rendezvous?

There are lots of reasons to go to the Rendezvous, some of which I have written about in the past (2021, 2019). Of course, there are the special and limited edition knives that can only be purchased at the Rendezvous. There are also some vendors such as Lynch Leather, some vintage knife resellers, and of course yours truly… Knife Thoughts. That said, most people consider the opportunity for camaraderie with fellow traditional knife enthusiasts to be the main draw. There’s just something special about being at the factory that makes these incredible knives we love, and getting to spend time with other people who share our passion. Another big value of going to the Rendezvous is the opportunity to meet and talk with Bill, William, Joan Mae, Randy, and all of the great people at Great Eastern Cutlery who actually make the knives.


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