Knife Rights’ bill that would repeal Washington’s ban on “spring blade” (automatic) knives,SB 5860, is set for a hearing Monday before the Senate Committee on Law & Justice. Sponsor Sen. Phil Fortunato has requested that we encourage our folks to sign in to support the bill.
Unfortunately, you cannot use our Legislative Action Center to do this, you must go to the state’s online page, fill out the form and then submit it.
DO IT TODAY! It must be submitted by MONDAY!
If you live in Washington state, PLEASE click here to go to the online form. Select “Pro” from the “Position” drop down menu and then fill out the remaining personal information. DO NOT fill out the “organization” field. Check the “I’m not a robot” box and click on the SUBMIT REGISTRATION button
PLEASE FORWARD or SHARE this email to your friends and associates who live in Washington and would support this bill.
Meanwhile, a House version of the bill, HB 2366, has been filed by our good friend Representative Kelly Chambers.
Knife Rights will let you know when it is time to contact your the legislature on HB 2366
This one is important enough that Doug texted me to make sure this didn’t fall through the cracks. Knife Rights needs your help. Please do so if you live, work, or travel in Washington State.
URGENT ACTION ALERT! Sign In TODAY to Support WA “Spring Blade” Ban Repeal Bill!