The term “tactical” has become somewhat nebulous in recent years. In practice, most people use the term to refer to gear designed for military or law enforcement personnel. Although some products intend to have “tacti-cool” looks for only a specific audience, other companies produce high-quality gear. Much of this gear is legitimate for survival, bushcraft, hunting, and EDC purposes.
Considering the varying definitions of “tactical,” we set out to find the best fixed-blade tactical knife available today. After all, this style of knife makes for an incredibly practical and helpful tool. If it looks cool while doing it, that’s the icing on the cake.
Before going any further, we don’t recommend buying a fixed-blade tactical knife for defense. Most soldiers, law enforcement, and self-defense experts will agree that knives are a poor tool for defense. Any sort of knife combat is dangerous for both parties involved. Subsequently, a knife should be a tool of last resort when all other options have failed. That’s not to say that the knives we recommend today aren’t good enough for defense. However, we wanted to recommend knives that had some real practicality.
I have some issues with this list. It is kinda all over the place. As Kim Breed says, “If it is you and me and all I have is a stick, then it is a “tactical stick””. Shows how worthless the label is. Most of the knives on this list are good on their merits.