KnifeInformer: 7 Best Fixed-Blade Tactical Knives Author Avatar H. Clay AaldersThe term “tactical” has become somewhat nebulous in recent years. In practice, most people use the term to...Newsfeed·3 Comments··255 views
KnifeInformer: Microtech MSI review H. Clay AaldersMicrotechis the biggest name in automatic knives since the 1900’s, and they carry that badge of honor today...Knife & Accessory ReviewNewsfeedProduction Knives·0 Comments··57 views
KnifeInformer: Schrade Truix Review H. Clay AaldersWhen word started to go around that Schradewas undergoing a revival after a buy-out from Smith & Wesson’s...Newsfeed·1 Comment··119 views
KnifeInformer: QSP Swordfish Review H. Clay AaldersWhen we reviewed our first QSPknife last year, it was really a shot across the bow in terms...Knife & Accessory ReviewNewsfeed·1 Comment··65 views
Knife Informer: Kershaw Covalent Review H. Clay AaldersFresh on the heels of reviewing the surprisingly excellent Kershaw Heist, equipped with Kershaw’s new Dura-Lock, we’re also...Knife & Accessory ReviewNewsfeedProduction Knives·1 Comment··139 views