GiantMouse has partnered with Kentucky-based distillery Castle & Key for a unique, very small batch collaboration that sees Jens Anso and Jesper Voxnaes creating a brand new knife design, the Distiller’s Blade, for the project.
The Distiller’s Blade showcases the range of veteran designers (and custom makers) Anso and Voxnaes. The two have not only forged a unique collaborative aesthetic through their work at GiantMouse, but here on the Distiller’s Blade they’ve managed to create something that is line with what came before, but with a unique look layered on that pays homage to the rustic, heritage-focused Castle & Key aesthetic. The result is a knife that is unlike anything else in the GiantMouse catalog.
This is the smallest batch of knives GiantMouse has ever released, so for the lucky few who get a hold of one we imagine the Distiller’s Blade will be, primarily, a collector’s piece rather than a user. But the knife is certainly ready to work, with a handsome, broad, nicely swedge’d clip point blade. That’s an intuitive and versatile shape for daily carry, and, seeing as its made from CPM-20CV, edge retention should fall comfortably within expectations for super steel addicts.
Funny, I am working on a Knife News piece for this in my October column.
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