NemoKnivesReview: Spyderco Chaparral C152SGY – For the Fierce and the Furious

Like I had mentioned in the glimpse review of the Serrated Chaparral , this little thin folder is here to be tested like a bigger folder because of its sturdy construction, relatively strong stainless steel which is found on my Cold Steel Recon 1 XL.

Sale steel, sturdy lock ? No many differences in fact.

So far I have decided to cut anything I would and maintain the edge (no proof of any dulling yet) with some Jade stone. (1st picture).
And so far, the mechanism does not show any sign of play in any direction.

Needs more serrations.


I like Nemo’s reviews.  I wasn’t familiar with this knife. Kinda a Native with a tapered handle.

Read the whole thing at Nemo Knives Review.

Spyderco Chaparral C152SGY – For the Fierce and the Furious