With the Spyderco Amsterdam Meet coming up, I dusted off my lightbox for some practice. It wasn’t easy, as I’m in the middle of moving into a new house, but I had to check to see if everything still worked in case I get to shoot a few new Spyderco production samples next weekend!
The Ikuchi is a nice folder to shoot for this practice session and I’m happy with the results, especially given the limited time and general ruckus around me ;-).
If I can shoot and share images from new Spyderco production samples at the Amsterdam Meet, I’ll probably won’t start posting them until after the IWA Show in Germany.
Nothing earth shaking, just some really clean shots of the Spyderco Ikuchi – a knife I am surprised didn’t have more of an impact. The wheel-flipper is interesting.
Spydercollector is in the small cadre of knife company superfans (Felix Immler with SAK comes to mind as another) whose dedication has caught the attention of said companies, and have been rewarded with special access, as good or better than members of the media.
Read the whole thing (and see the photos) at Spydercollector.wordpress.com