The title can be taken either literally or figuratively. In my case it is figurative, but given I was at Blade Show last weekend, my knifemaking friends are all getting back to their grinders and back to work. Above is a photo of Murray Carter fixing my Funayuki on a Wilmont Grinder just before the show ended. There is a story to that, but will be in a later post.
I got back from Atlanta around 7pm last Sunday. At just after 7am Monday morning I was taking the field at Knoxville Catholic to help coach their girls lacrosse camp. I was the most outnumbered man in Knoxville.
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I was the only male for 200 or more yards in any direction. But it was a lot of fun. I helped out back in 2019, but I felt like an imposter next to college coaches, assistants, and some veteran High School coaches. Now I have several years as a head coach under my belt. It makes a difference. But today was the first day in several weeks I have been able to catch up on a little sleep.
I wasn’t nearly so productive. Caffeine was simply keeping me upright this week. I apologize that I have been more than a little sporadic. I wasn’t in the office since I was at camp all day, and by the time evening rolled around I was dozing off at my keyboard. It was all I could do to get a couple of newsfeed items out before I was off to bed.
Free Fly Rod, no questions asked.
I have my Part 2 of Blade Show post almost finished. As I said, I have not been able to work for long blocks of time this week. I will finish it tomorrow afternoon.Speaking of Blade Show, this was me before the drive.
No knife shows this week. But keep an eye on our event’s calendar. And take it easy on the hard stuff…
This week I have a BladeHQ t-shirt to give away. Up to 5 comments and replies are valid. You all know the rules. Hopefully I new knives to give away show up in the coming weeks.
What have you all been up to? It will actually be good to get back into a routine on this end.
That is pretty much all I have for tonight. It will be nice to spend a low-key Saturday with the family.
Have a good one folks.