Howdy Folks…
It is Friday. Again.
Groundhog Day was this week. In case you missed it.
Phil saw his shadow, which means that there are 6 more weeks of memes.
Lots of memes.
The memes even connect to other current events.
There are some great “Canadian Freedom Convoy” memes, but this is the best:
This one isn’t bad either…
Another couple of weeks of isolation and the above becomes more real.
Neil Young/Joe Rogan memes continue apace. Musicians are pulling their songs off Spotify left and right.
What ever shall we do?
If you are in or around Boaz, Alabama this weekend, you can go to a knife show…
The rest of you will have to stay home and not watch football until next weekend.
Go Bangles!
Jason K. joins Del Corsi as our second “token holder”. You need to be drawn twice to win the Spartan Astor folder. They have their first one in the bag.
Usual rules apply. Up to 5 comments/replies count as your entries. I will draw next week when working on the WOT.
If you are new to the blog, your comments will be held back until I can approve them. After that, you are free to post at will.
Wordle is the gateway to the Dark Side.
Remember, Valentines is right around the corner…
That is the last of the topical current event memes. The rest of these are just random things I found funny this week.
This next one is just dumb. But I chuckled out loud.
Speaking of memes which have multiple layers..
I used the Star Wars “Older Meme” meme a couple of weeks ago. This one adds an old, but famous cheat code from an old video game. Any takers?
U Mad Bro?
Actually, escaping the gravitational pull of home is my bigger challenge on a regular basis. Once I am out, I am ok.
I am glad that I am a part of the last cohort who learned how to do things analog, before everything went digital.
Digital does have its advantages though. I was able to go to youtube and show my son the incident in question, where Ventura got drilled by a pitch, charged the mound, and proceeded to get his ass whooped by 46 year old Nolan Ryan. Classic. I remember seeing the original highlight on Sportscenter the morning after.
That is about it for this week. Hope it was a good one for everyone, and hope your next one is even better.
Abide Everyone.