The Knife Edge: Secrets of the Sorting Hat

I’ve moved, which forced me to confront my knife collection with the certainty that all good things end. My previous dwelling had plentiful storage, but the new digs, well, not so much. I’ll add cabinets, shelves, and drawers for storage, but I need to deal with limited storage and the need to put things away.

The move has also prompted a confrontation with my mortality. Do I want to continue to curate knives I have for no apparent reason? As much as I wish it, I do not have a Harry Potter sorting hat to make determinations for me.

I realized that all my possessions could be categorized into two distinct classes and a third, more nebulous one. The first two are obviously “Keep” and “Discard.” The third is “Maybe.”

Don’t let this fool you. There are only two options. Maybe is actually a Discard. If a knife doesn’t create enough passion to become a Keep instantly, it’s a Discard you’re trying to be polite to. Ditch it.

Probably Frank’s best piece to date. At least on his blog. I have always liked his pieces in the pages of KNIFE.

Read the whole thing at The Knife Edge…