Weekend Open Thread: Play Ball Edition

Hey there Sports Fans…How is everyone doing. It is Easter Weekend, and Spring has definitely sprung in East TN. We had the usual “Dogwood Winter” cold spell, but temps are hitting the high 60s and 70s. And Baseball is upon us.

To say I am extremely ambivalent about baseball right now would be an understatement. For the most part MLB is dead to me until and unless the Cleveland baseball team returns to the name Indians. I did not get in a twist when they jettisoned Chief Wahoo years ago, even though the image is associated with so many wonderful childhood memories. But I refuse to support Dolan and his meaningless virtue signal. The team was named in honor of two Native Americans, Napolean Lajoie and Louis Sockalexis whose names will be forgotten.

I still love baseball. I catch 8 or so Tennessee Smokies games each year, and that number will increase when they move back to downtown Knoxville next year.

I will always love baseball. It breaks my heart not to follow Cleveland. I have tried following the Cubs since the Smokies are their farm team, but it is just not the same.


MLB won’t kill their golden goose. But they will continue to give the shaft to Pete Rose.

Since it is Easter Weekend…


…it is fairly quiet Knife Show wise. Really just the NYCKS of note.

New York Custom Knife Show

Things pick up next week though, with 4 shows and events…

Greater Shenandoah Valley Knife Collector Show

Wanenmacher’s Tulsa Arms Show

Texas Select Custom Cutlery Event

and finally…

Batson Bladesmithing Symposium & Knife Show

Mark will be at that one. As I mentioned, he moved up Press Day by a couple of days.

Tonight’s musical guests are The Strokes. Described as a “post punk revival” or “new garage” in their early 2000s heyday, they were a band that I thought was going to have some legs. They came up through the NYC club scene, and therefor were pros when they went national, despite their relative youth. So many good songs off Is this it? that it is one of the rare albums I don’t shuffle past. I listen to the whole thing. Especially when driving.

You knew it was coming…

Our prayers go out to the families of the construction workers who were killed in the Key Bridge collapse. I never considered making it the theme of the WOT, but this one was funny…


And laughter is the best way to cope with tragedy.

Frankly, a lot more people have been killed due to Boeing’s mistakes, but we have all enjoyed these…

Chosen a new Dope?

Or this guy…

One of the best episodes of Twilight Zone ever.

Every row is an exit row if the bolts are loose enough.


Tax season is coming…

Or Maryland. Why are taxpayers going to pay to rebuild a toll bridge?

Shouldn’t the Toll Operator and Insurance be paying for it?


We don’t have a knife drawing for this week. As mentioned Hocky suffered a family tragedy, and it just seemed gauche to draw a winner from a sympathy note. So I punted.  But this week’s comments are back in the game. We are in the middle of a “2 token” drawing for the CRKT M14.

The way it works is the first time you are drawn, you get a token. Del joined Zach, Cmeat, and David M. last week. Up to 5 comments and replies are your entries to the contest. If you are new to the blog, your comments will be held in moderation until I approve your first one.

Good luck everybody…prayers to you Hocky.

Finally, the part you have all been waiting for, the non-theme memes…

Canadians earn honorary American status for that one. Using anything other than the actual metric system to figure out a measurement.

Took a minute, or II

My favorite meme of the week by far. There are several folks I text the link to for the WOT when it goes live, but I shared that one with folks early. It is too perfect.


Really, who are these savages?

The perfect cornhole set does not exis…

Also music themed…

I actually met Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails once at Coventry in Cleveland Hts.

My wife, who works for Bush’s Beans, assures me that this is not how it works.

Life goals.


How generous.

Kill it with fire.

Looks like Seattle.

Shots fired.

The struggle is real…

Gettin’ fancy…

The McDonalds Muppet Movie glasses were my favorite.

There can be only one.

Good plan.  Life is full of tradeoffs.

As I have done every weekend since October 7th, I have used my platform to support Israel as it seeks to destroy the genocidal Hamas, and to push back, however insignificantly, against a chilling rise of antisemitism in the West.


“Never Again is Now”. Hamas openly declares in its charter that they seek the eradication of the Jews.

Release the hostages, and step down as the governing body in Gaza. It is that simple.

I look forward to being able to retire this post, but I will not abandon it. I will continue to try to find pieces that have a tinge of humor to provide, and once again PreOccupied Territory has come through in the clutch…

They are mostly Jordanians anyway, who were caught on the wrong side of the line when the maps were redrawn.

You can read the whole (satire, sort of) thing here.

Bringing back the Strokes…this video is like a time capsule to post college. I started listening to The Strokes right around the time I started dating my wife.


I am always a little surprised by how the WOT has evolved and grown over time.  It takes about 3 hours to pull together each week.

But it is worth it…

I would hate if that happened.

Have a wonderful Easter everyone.
