Greetings and Salutations. Welcome to another exciting edition of the KNIFE Magazine Weekend Open Thread.
Made to order, tableside, just like Caesar would have wanted.
I am actually sitting at a BW3s, sipping a Guinness, watching basketball, and pretending I am going to make a major dent in the WOT while I am here. My son is at the Warhammer store, painting models.
So far, so good anyway. Well, other than how the Vols have played this first half.
Certainly am having a better day than Caesar.
Should have listened to his wife…
Or Marge…
People have lost sight of the true meaning of the Ides of March…
Talk about a buzzkill…
Of course things didn’t work out too well for the conspirators…
Or for this guy…
All he did was bring down the Western Roman Empire. No biggie.
Big couple of weeks for Knife Shows and the like. 3 this weekend including the Spirit of the Steel Show in Pigeon Forge. Mark is there. I caught him leaving this morning when I came into the office.
Next week is the Badger Show, which even I know is a big one.
As is typical at this point, a musical number…
It is a little cliche to use Willin’ (and Dixie Chicken later) as my selections from Little Feat, but the songs are classic for a reason. Lowell George made it past the 27 Club, but still died far too young at age 34 in 1979. Heckofa song though. It has been covered by a lot of folks, including Mandy Moore of all people.
Wasn’t much more to share in the way of topical memes. I will spare you Pi day this time around, and frankly Haitian cannibal gangs, while not on my Bingo card, are not really that funny. Say a prayer. there is a lot of suffering.
OK, maybe just two…
Math is hard…
That was my favorite meme of the week.
I found these next two after publishing last week’s WOT…
Seems like as good of a place as any. What is your comms backup plan?
I don’t know how we survived.
If someone wants to explain why it is such a big deal that Kate Middleton edited a family photo, I would be grateful.
Maybe that explains it?
For some reason, I found a bunch of Samuel L. Jackson memes this week…
If you run into any trouble, you might want to…
SLJ approves.
He’d also approve of winning a new knife. We are in the midst of a “two token” drawing for a CRKT M14.
The way it works is you must be drawn twice to win the knife. Our first two “token holders” are Zach and Cmeat. Joining them is David McCarty, but the rest of you are still in it. Up to 5 comments or replies are your entries, and if you are new to the blog, your first comments will be held in moderation until I approve them.
Good Luck everybody.
The rest of the memes are a grab-bag of miscellanea…
What makes Editor’s twitch…
What makes Writers twitch…
Rough doesn’t even begin to describe it.
Ouch. Shots fired.
Another one who checked out too soon.
From Dad Joke to Dad “win”…
Sage advice…
On Wisconsin!
I sent that to Jim Cobb, and was informed that you need artisanal gouda at the higher end establishments.
Mine too. Tacosaurus is the best saurus.
A lesser known figure from history.
Apparently all he needed was a doghouse.
Wise choice.
Not cool Linda.
Draw four.
We are all Chuck Berry.
Despite the US Senate Majority Leader throwing Israel under the bus because his party is afraid of losing the Hamasnik vote in Michigan, this next section is not meant to be political.
At this point, there is not really much more to say than that. As I mentioned last week, I was back home in Cleveland for my kids’ spring break. With such a large Jewish diaspora in NE Ohio, I wasn’t surprised to see #BringThemHomeNow signs everywhere. What does shock me however is that this is not the norm throughout the country.
If there were rockets from Mexico landing in San Diego, you would have to deploy the Army to deal with it. Or deploy the Army to stop the Marines from Camp Pendleton from doing it themselves. Israel has shown tremendous restraint. I will continue to use my voice and platform to speak out in support of Israel as seeks to destroy Hamas.
Brightening things up a bit, I once again bring you Little Feat…with one heck of a pair of backup singers – Emmylou Harris and Bonnie Raitt. Little Feat doesn’t get enough credit for just how badass they were.
This was my runner up for favorite meme of the week…
I am a big boxing fan. My wife and I got married in Vegas the weekend of the Roy Jones Jr./John Ruiz fight, and went there that Saturday. I am really not sure what to make of the Jake Paul/Mike Tyson thing.
It is a labor of love. Have a good weekend everybody.